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Our Commitments

Transforming mission into impact

We aim to create deep, long-standing relationships with communities that can have a measurable impact over time.

Our Commitments 2024 Image

2023 sustainability goals

We’re committed to making a positive impact in the fine jewelry industry and within our communities. That’s why we’re sharing our long-term goals across four key impact areas: People, planet, product, and philanthropy. We’ve aligned our ambitions with international best practices and frameworks and our eyes are firmly set on achieving these goals by 2030.

Continuing our commitment to report twice a year, we’ll share timelines and key indicators of success toward our goals in our Sustainability Report in May 2024.

Through fundraising events, community initiatives, and amplification on our platforms, we will continue to mobilize the community and provide much-needed education about the issues at hand. 

2030 sustainability goals

We’re committed to making a positive impact in the fine jewelry industry and within our communities. That’s why we’re sharing our long-term goals across four key impact areas: people, planet, product, and philanthropy. We’ve aligned our ambitions with international best practices and frameworks, and our eyes are set on achieving these goals by 2030.

Continuing our commitment to report twice a year, we are sharing the measures of success we’ve chosen to help us work toward our 2030 Goals. We will continue to update this twice a year.

Sustainability Report
2023 Goals

By 2030


We will support Mejuri's growth by setting ambitious standards for our partners and suppliers in key areas and fostering positive social impact in local communities.

We will support Mejuri's growth by setting ambitious standards for our partners and suppliers in key areas and fostering positive social impact in local communities.

Focus Area #1

We want to work with partners and vendors aligned with Mejuri’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) commitments and practices.


  • % of key vendors and partners committed to Mejuri’s DEIB standards 

  • % of key vendors and partners demonstrate progress against DEIB targets

Focus Area #2

We want our stores, corporate offices, and fulfillment centers to engage and impact the communities where we operate meaningfully.


  • # of Mejuri in-store events

  • # of volunteer hours 

  • # of community members impacted by community philanthropy

We will strive to create an authentic, connected community in which every member influences our culture as a whole while emphasizing personal and professional development.

We will strive to create an authentic, connected community in which every member influences our culture as a whole while emphasizing personal and professional development.

Focus Area #1

We want to ensure that everyone at Mejuri understands our values and helps build a culture of inclusion.


  • % of employees who self-report they feel that they can influence the business

  • % of employees who self-report they feel that Mejuri is an inclusive environment

Focus Area #2

We wish to increase & maintain the diversity of Mejuri’s talent pipeline - creating partnerships to find and support talent from application to final hire.


  • Candidate pipeline conversion across all job postings

  • Candidate net promoter score

  • Diversity metrics at the executive level (c-suite)

  • Diversity metrics of all employees 

  • Diversity metrics of all leaders (VP and above)


We will go beyond carbon neutral in our value chain by working to remove additional carbon from the atmosphere through restoration and conservation projects where we and our suppliers operate.

We will go beyond carbon neutral in our value chain by working to remove additional carbon from the atmosphere through restoration and conservation projects where we and our suppliers operate. 

Focus Area #1

We will commit to and achieve our science-based target by reducing emissions in our operations and value chain.


  • % reduction in emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3

  • % renewable energy used in our buildings 

  • Greenhouse gas intensity of customer shipments 

  • % of suppliers demonstrating progress against environmental performance goals 

  • % renewable energy used by suppliers

Focus Area #2

We will create a positive biodiversity impact through our partnerships and products 


  • We will map Mejuri’s impacts on biodiversity and water across sourcing of key raw materials

  • We will prioritize and develop action plans in areas where we have the most significant biodiversity impact


We will design products and packaging with their entire lifecycle in mind, creating circular pathways such as repair, resale, and recycling

We will design products and packaging with their entire lifecycle in mind, creating circular pathways such as repair, resale, and recycling

Focus Area #1

We want to ensure all products Mejuri produces will have an end-of-life offering available to customers. 


  • # of units repaired via Mejuri repair programs

  • We want to prioritize materials that can be reused, recycled, or regenerated

  • % of products made with recycled content

  • % of packaging materials are biodegradable or commonly recyclable 

  • % are derived through regenerative practices

Focus Area #2

We want to reduce and redirect waste produced at Mejuri offices, stores, and warehouses.


  • Weight (in tons) of waste diverted from landfill

  • Reduction in waste YoY

We will educate customers about the origins of their responsibly sourced products, from the precious materials we use to the location of craftsmanship.

We will educate customers about the origins of their responsibly sourced products, from the precious materials we use to the location of craftsmanship.

Focus Area

Ensuring our precious materials have the highest levels of traceability, including Mejuri’s diamonds (natural and lab-grown), coloured gemstones, pearls, and precious metals


  • % of natural diamonds purchased that are traced to mines of origin.

  • % of lab grown diamonds purchased that are traced to the grower.

  • % precious colored gemstones purchased that are traced to region within country of mining origin.

  • % of pearls purchased that are traced to country of farming origin.

  • % of precious metals purchased that are traced to mines of origin or the recycler


We will support underrepresented people in our community, helping them to achieve their goals through education, upskilling, and advocacy, underpinned by collaborations, partnerships, scholarships and bursaries, and donations.

Focus Area 

$5M USD by 2030 to causes and organizations that positively impact women and underrepresented communities.


  • USD donated to causes and organizations that positively impact women and underrepresented communities

  • # of women receiving scholarships, bursaries, or grants

  • # of nonbinary people receiving scholarships, bursaries, or grants

A Year of Action:

reproductive rights advocacy

The overturning of Roe v. Wade presents an unprecedented rollback of reproductive rights and marks a direct attack on our team—over 79% of whom identify as women and 36% are based in the U.S.* It is our collective responsibility to protect one another and put a stake in the ground for what we believe. 

We partnered with Don’t Ban Equality, a coalition of nonprofits (including Planned Parenthood Federation of America, BSR, and the American Civil Liberties Union), to form a committee of like-minded brands using our voice and reach to help protect access to reproductive healthcare and advocate for equal rights. 

Through fundraising events, community initiatives, and amplification on our platforms, we will continue to mobilize the community and provide much-needed education about the issues at hand. 

learn more

*Statistics are based on internal Mejuri data from voluntary declarations.

A Year of Action

"We worked with Mejuri to approach sustainability with social justice in mind, including the health and wellbeing of their employees and communities. By working with other brands, this work will help them to use their influence to support women’s access to safe healthcare."

Business for Social Responsibility

We’ve also expanded the reproductive coverage in our benefits program to include:

No-questions-asked time off

As well as travel and lodging reimbursements for any employees needing to seek an abortion out of state

Coverage of all contraceptives

Full coverage by insurance without cost-sharing

Our Commitments Image

Design Thinking Africa

Our collaboration with Design Thinking Africa is the beginning of our Empowerment Funds' philanthropic endeavors within our international supply chain. The program teaches precision gemstone cutting and polishing to women in Zambia to uplift them and their communities. 

In 2023, ten women received scholarships to upskill their polishing abilities. The long-term goal of our partnership with Design Think Africa is to support women in Zambia so they can promote local economic development by directly supplying Zambian mined and polished stones to jewelers.

Design Thinking Africa Image

"It's not just about mastering gem cutting; it's about shaping futures and fostering inclusivity."

-Esnart Zulu, Student and Scholarship Recipient

charitable initiatives

Established in 2020, our Empowerment Fund supports women and non-binary people's access to skills through traditional or non-traditional education to help them design the life they want. 

To date, we've donated $823,000 USD in scholarships and advocacy partnerships across the US and Canada, including to initiatives such as:

Charitable Iniciatives

Regeneration: A Revolutionary

Re-mining Initiative

Hundreds of thousands of abandoned mines, deemed "legacy mines," exist around the world. If left untreated, some legacy mines pollute sensitive watersheds, ecosystems, and native species. 

We’re proud Founding Partners and the exclusive jewelry sector partner of Regeneration, a revolutionary re-mining initiative from RESOLVE, dedicated to rehabilitating legacy mining sites and restoring surrounding natural environments. 

Regeneration Image

West Bank of Van Bibber Lake revegetation in 2023 | Photo Credit: George Vopelki

"A jewelry supply chain with nature-positive gold. That takes innovation and partnership. That’s why we’re partnering with Mejuri to process gold from waste and restore habitat."

Stephen D'Esposito, CEO, Regeneration

Regeneration utilizes modern, efficient mining practices to extract valuable minerals from mine tailings, waste rock, and water surrounding these sites, helping to clean and restore the environment while attaining minerals in a far more eco-friendly fashion. 

Not only will these precious minerals help in our global energy transition, but earnings from the sale of these responsibly sourced materials will be reinvested to help fund habitat restoration and mine closure activities—including at legacy and former mine sites. 

Regeneration will also seek to create and trade biodiversity and carbon credits by rehabilitating land and generating environmental offsets.

learn more
Regeneration Image

Lily Lake | Photo Credit: George Vopelki

Supporting Salmon Gold

An initiative from RESOLVE, Salmon Gold produces gold while restoring vital habitat for salmon and other wild species. The partnership re-mines legacy gold mine sites and restores fish habitats using sustainable techniques across Alaska, the Yukon Territory, and British Columbia. 

over $45,000 USD

donated in support of Salmon Gold through various corporate initiatives in 2022

over $45,000 USD

donated in support of Salmon Gold through various corporate initiatives in 2022

Supporting Image

Responsible Sourcing

We believe that the highest levels of accountability and transparency are the future of modern luxury, and we’re committed to helping to drive this meaningful change across our industry.

To do this, we’ve partnered with a number of players across the industry to support one another in our collective mission towards improving our social and environmental performance.

We work with trusted suppliers who align with our values. Our Code of Conduct extends to partners throughout our supply chain, helping ensure adherence to fair labor practices, safe working conditions, and transparent communication.

The implementation of our SEA Program helps to ensure that any supplier interested in working with Mejuri must meet our expectations in four key areas before becoming a trusted partner:

  • Human rights

  • Fair and safe labor practices

  • Environmental protection

  • Ethical business conduct

It allows us to actively monitor our suppliers for adherence to those standards. Through the SEA Program, we can continually evaluate our supplier approach and practices to help ensure that we’re doing responsible business for the world we live in today—and tomorrow. 

Our partnerships are constantly challenging us to refine our goals and move forward—for the good of everyone on the planet.

Currently, our partnership with Business for Social Responsibility is helping us to achieve resilience. We’ve signed on with Positive Luxury whose ESG+ framework is helping evaluate our sustainability programs. In addition, we’re joining the Watch and Jewelry Initiative to achieve several UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

In 2022, Mejuri became a signatory to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

Since 2023, Mejuri has been a signatory of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles, which offer guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.

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